Expected duration: 1 - 6 months I've just started writing a memoir. When it's done, i want to produce it in digital form (ie. not printed), for internal (family) use only. I need help in two areas (but can split these if necessary):
– Proofreading. I'm confident and competent with technical things like punctuation, grammar and spelling, but would like it to be proofread with regards to the general flow of the text: whether it makes sense, reads well, flows properly, that kind of thing. As I don't yet know the length of the document, I'm happy with a cost per thousand words, if that suits.
– I also need help converting the initial document to book format, and there are various technical elements to this which will need to be worked through. For now though, I need to know what application to use for the memoir to enable it to be converted in due course.
Influencer Promotion for Coupon App Category: Facebook Marketing, Instagram, Internet Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Social Networking Budget: $250 - $750 CAD