To work on a Purchased Template - Mobius - Mobile, Native & PWA
Feature A - Blueprints User/company shares a downloadable case study on an event that enables event professionals to use as a blueprint which comes in a format of a file, image or video that includes information such as floor plans, staffing, suppliers used ect. The user is able to download this content once subscribed.
Feature B - Moments Users share moments/stories on events (such as instagram stories), although shown to users as categories (e.g all stories related to venue A are categorised and shown under one section or under users profile page - connected to blueprints if blueprint is available.
Feature C - Event Freelancer & Supplier Marketplace If event freelancers or suppliers were used on an event or blueprint, you're able to view their service and ask for a quote or start a chat - all marketplace features required.
Socials Ability to share content via email, LinkedIn or Instagram Ability to log-in/signup using social media/Apple/Google accounts
TikTok Marketing for Physical Products Category: Advertising, Facebook Marketing, Internet Marketing, Marketing, Social Media Marketing Budget: $15 - $25 USD