We would like to generate lifestyle/background images for products by using the product title, description and the image. We would like to place the product image onto the background so that it's looks realistic.
This is a service recently offered by Amazon (You can read more about it here https://advertising.amazon.com/library/guides/how-to-use-ai-image-generators)
The output image will be of a large size (1200p+), contain the product in a variety of different locations based on the theme deduced from the product title and description. The image names should be the same as the input image file but with a suffix (e.g A, B, C, D) on the end. We would be looking for 4 images to be created per product. We are looking to be able to do this in bulk, by uploading a CSV file of 10,000 products with the following columns: Product title, Product description, Image URL.
We would like to get an output with the images in a zip file. We have a Chatgpt API account.
If you have the experience and skills to do this please let me know your bid. Please also let me know the expected processing charges for 10,000 product (total 40,000 images generated) for whichever API you propose