Expected duration: 1 day or less Attached is a copy of Mozart’s ” wie stark ist nicht dein zauberton” from The Magic Flute – scored for flute and piano accompaniment. I am fairly sure that it is Zachert’s arrangement.
I cannot find a pdf of the arrangement and have downloaded this by screen shot from here
There is a clean playing of the same arrangement here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x8pTEWi0Xa8&ab_channel=ElizabethKoch-Topic
I would like to turn this version into a piece for piano / keyboard solo
a) broadly keeping the flute part in the right hand (treble clef single notes) and then putting all the piano accompaniment in the left hand (bass clef with chords).
A good deal of the time this works very well as it stands but there are clearly some occasions where the arranger will need to make a choice of chord. (The first of these is bar 3 where the bottom F / top F/ A / middle C minim chord is clearly impossible). Actually there are surprisingly few of these.
b) In the original Mozart within the opera, a great deal of the effect is through the juxtaposition of tenor voice against flute. I would like to try and recreate that effect by dropping the repeated theme (bars 8-16) an octave… Will that work? Will it sound appropriate? Will the scoring interfere with the left hand? Do you have a way of sorting this but keeping the underlying simplicity?
c) The same thing then happens with the response (phrase end bar 18 – first note bar 19) and again (phrase end bar 22 – beginning bar 24) which might be an octave lower to effect the call and response?
d) Finally, the piece should clearly end at the end of bar 31 but is extended by the arranger for a few more rather fiddly notes until the D-C cadence at bar 36. (This is because the simple song here cannot follow what then happens in the opera. Could we just finish the run of semi quavers (e-f-f#-g) with the d-c cadence in the natural way?
Oh – and here for reference it is in the original Mozart https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R4WIGaDaRC4&ab_channel=AMajor
I have set out this information again in a word document (much easier to read) and attached the sheet music also in a word document. Do please look at these before tendering for the project.
For a skilled musician with the right software, this is only a few minutes work but I am not and do not have.
Do feel free to ask questions / seek clarifications.
Professional Capability Statement Design Category: Brochure Design, Business Development, Business Plan Writing, Graphic Design, User Interface / IA Budget: $250 - $750 AUD