Wish to recruit the services of an English law divorce Lawyer, who can assist with obtaining value of marital assets.
My initial requirement is for assistance to obtain:-
Court orders for the following documents for a full disclosure of my partners financial assets before and at the date of our separation.
All Bank Statements at the time of our legal separation date To Include bank statement accounts post legal separation date, to identify all funds divested post split date. All bank account statements pre legal separation date to identify and confirm pay, dividends received from share investments. Partner didnt work, he lived off share Investments and dividends for 7 years.
A Pension Sharing Order to disclose the exact value of pension. All accounts where he holds shares and stock market Investments. To legally request his employer to submit all payslips pre our official separation date, and for a period post our separation date. Legally request from Air BNB all booking received for an apartment which is rented out on Mallorca.
Also looking to recruit an Independent barrister to manage a court date around December in the Hertfordshire Area of England. This is to be the third and final court date.
If there is a reasonably priced lawyer who may be able to assist.
Please ignore any Budget numbers as per the below.