Need someone who is an expert in Prestashop!
1. Set up/connect Google reCAPTCHA3 (module) 2. Set up Google Consent Mode V2 (module) V2 ( (
Some changes in CHECHOUT: 3. In 1. page of checkout, change the line “I have read and accept the terms and conditions” in Danish; jeg har læst og accepterer handelsbetingelserne” to ”I accept’s privacy policy / Jeg accepterer’s privatlivspolitik – font-size 0.875rem – in same line as the checkbox – link to privatlivspolitik; 4. In step 1, remove “confirm password field” 5. In step 2 (addresses), remove "address supplement field" in checkout 6. In step 2 (addresses), change "Phone number (from optional)" to mandatory, in checkout 7. In step 2 (addresses), select city automatically in checkout (as 8. In step 3 (shipping), add a field for notes, as in EQ-LOVE.COM’s checkout 9. In step 4 (payment), add link to “I have read and accept the terms and conditions” in danish; Jeg har læst og accepterer handelsbetingelserne" in checkout – font size: 0.875rem – link to terms and conditions; 10. Add Customer Reassurance module to checkout as in EQ-LOVE.COM’s cart and checkout
In back office/control panel: 11. Remove HOME button in the upper left side of the control panel, back office
Debugs: 12. Debug when press the SETTINGS button (maybe just remove it) 13. Invalid token: direct access to this link may result in a security breach |